Understanding the U.S. Education System: A Guide for Immigrant Parents

Understanding the U.S. Education System: A Guide for Immigrant Parents

The United States education system can be a complex and confusing landscape for immigrant parents who are new to the country. Many may have a limited understanding of how the system works and what their children’s education will look like. We will explore the basics of the U.S. education system and provide tips for immigrant…

How Technology Can Shorten the Distance From Your Partner
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How Technology Can Shorten the Distance From Your Partner

Technology has made it possible for people to stay connected with loved ones, no matter where they are in the world. International long-distance relationships can be challenging, but with the right tools and resources, couples can overcome the obstacles and maintain a strong bond. Messaging and Videos One of the most important ways technology can…

How to Solve the Top 5 Problems in a Long Distance Relationship
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How to Solve the Top 5 Problems in a Long Distance Relationship

If you are in a long distance relationship, you are not alone. According to a study conducted by Statistic Brain, about 14 million couples in the United States consider themselves to be in a long distance relationship. That is roughly 3.5% of the population! While long distance relationships come with their own unique set of…