OLV Ambassador Program
The Ambassador Program lets you share your visa journey to inspire others.

How It Works
The Our Love Visa Ambassador Program lets you share your visa journey to inspire others. Our Love Visa is a platform that helps couples along their visa journey. Our Love Visa is looking for couples to share their visa journey with the world and show how the Our Love Visa platform can help other couples on their visa journey. We will ask you to sign up to the platform, add your details, your visa timeline and create a relationship timeline and make it public. Inspire other couples in love to take the visa journey.

What Information Will Be Shared
The following information will be shared on our social and other marketing material.
- Both your first names and last initials
- What country you both are from / in
- A photo of you and your partner
- A testimonial quote about Our Love Visa
- An OLV Relationship Timeline with a minimum of 10 posts that shares your love story and journey with everyone. Click here to see a video of how the relationship timeline feature works.
- The dates of your Visa Timeline on your profile
- A short video in the format below
- Optional: Your social media links
Your OLV Couples Video Format
- How you met and became a couple
- The moment you knew you wanted to get married
- The fears and difficulties you see with the visa process
- How do you see the Our Love Visa platform helping with your journey
- What stage you and your partner are at today e.g., You are now both together in the U.S., You are currently still waiting, You are at the start of your visa journey.
- What are you looking forward to in the future as a couple

Become an OLV Ambassador
Contact us and share your story [email protected]